Monkey Nose
Let’s Monkey Around
When primates first arose, their presence covered most of the continents. Yet as time went on monkeys came to dominate over smaller primates like lemurs thanks to their aggressiveness and the fact that they are just as clever as many of the great apes. To the point, where more passive primates are only found in isolated places like Madagascar. With such popularity on so many of the Earth’s continents and a prevailing presence in zoos around the world, it’s no wonder why so many people love monkeys and want to look like them with a cute monkey nose like this one.
Good For Planet Of The Apes Too
The Planet of the Apes movies depict a world that is overrun by multiple great ape species of great apes, while monkeys sort of lurk in the shadows. With the resurgent popularity of Planet of the Apes the designer of this Monkey Nose prosthetic made sure to give it a generic enough look to let it pair with a wide range of “Ape” costumes. It is discretely held in place with a strong elastic band.