Butterfly Headband
Make The Great Transformation
From the time an egg is laid on the underside of a milkweed plant to the moment a newly pupated butterfly emerges from its chrysalis the majestic monarch butterfly undergoes one of the greatest transformations in all of the animal kingdom. Everywhere around the world this impressive, colorful insect is celebrated and cherished. So, it only makes sense that someone would recreate its scarlet and orange colored wings in a vivid headband like this one.
Make A Majestic Migration
As if the process of pupating from a caterpillar to a butterfly wasn’t enough to impress, the majestic monarch then goes on to make one of the longest migrations in the world for a creature of its size. If you were to make such a migration on a human scale, you would have to walk around the world three times in three months! With this comfortable Butterfly Headband on though, you’ll have a better chance of standing out from the crowd at the velvet rope to migrate your fun evening off the street and into the club.