Police Badge on Chain
Let Them Know Who’s The Boss
Beat cops, desk sergeants and pencil jockeys all play second fiddle to the high strung, foul mouthed detective characters in the movies. A lot of these hot shot cops wear their silver badges dangling on a chain around their neck to make sure everyone knows that even though they might be dressed in plain clothes that they are still the big man on the beat. If you need to play a character like Martin Riggs or John McClain, then this Police Badge on Chain might just be the perfect fit.
Read Them Their Rights And Lefts
If you ask an avid cosplayer, they will tell you that the right accessories will take your costume to the next level. Especially if you are playing an action hero cop character for your next costume event. If this sounds like you, and you are dying to take on the looks and attitude of a Martin Riggs or a John McClain, then this Police Badge on Chain is going to be the perfect accessory for your costume.