Plague Doctor Kit
The Doctor Is In
During the “Black Death” of the Bubonic Plague special doctors were hired or conscripted by towns and cities to tend to the sick and dying. Of course, with so much contact to people with a hideous disease, they took every measure to protect themselves. This included a tell-tale mask that would haunt just about anyone’s dreams on it’s own, as well as a special kit of tools to prevent direct contact with the infected. You see that represented her in vividly authentic-looking detail.
A Plague Doctor’s Bag Of Tricks
Ask an avid cosplayer and they will tell you that the right accessories are what take any costume to the next level. This Plague Doctor kit is truly impressive, and perfect for your next cosplay event. It includes a cane, a pair of long gloves, a headcap, neck piece, as well as a bag with a belt. All matching and ready to have you looking like you just stepped through time from the 14th Century.