One Hand Dove Bag (Color) by Bazar
A High Quality Dove Bag That Can Be Deployed With Just One Hand
Dove magic is one of those classic magical effects that really punches up any performance. Tt is usually performed in conjunction with other sleight of hand techniques to truly impress. Though this can be a real challenge for some people as a lot of standard dove bags are just too awkward to operate one handed. When you bring that secondhand into the equation, you lose all your other sleight of hand opportunities.
If this sounds like something you’ve been vexed by in the past then you might want to give a good hard look at this one handed dove bag developed by Bazar de Magia.
A One Handed Dove Bag Developed By An Industry Leader
Bazar de Magia or the Magic Bazar is headquartered out of Buenos Aires, Argentina, and is known around the world as one of the best places to go for elevated magic tricks and props. They have loyal followers on a global scale and it’s a must-stop destination for magicians who love to travel.
This particular dove bag was specially developed over the years by accomplished dove magicians who now ply their trade by offering props and in depth insight on the magic tradition.