Neptune Blue Ocean King Wig & Beard Set
Poseidon’s Manscaping
Before he was known as Neptune by the Romans, the God of the Sea and Earthquakes was known as Poseidon to the ancient Greeks. He was the brother of Zeus and given his own lane to influence the will and life of the mortals who lived in the ancient world. While his costume is truly a sight to see, it’s his beard and hair the color of seafoam that is the hardest thing for most cosplayers to pull off. That’s where an Ocean King Wig & Beard combo like this one comes perfectly into play.
Become The God Of The Sea
Assuming that you don’t want to grow your own beard and facial hair to epic proportions, before dyeing them seafoam green JUST to look like Poseidon for one night, then your best option is to make the modest investment in this Ocean King Wig & Beard set. It is made from synthetic fibers that look like real human hair, without the prohibitively high investment in a wig and beard made from real human hair.