Multicolor Light-Up Deer Antlers LumenHorns
Light Up The Night
Hitting a deer or an elk with your car is a true catastrophe for you, as well as the animal. Many people lament the damage it does and wishes that they could have just seen the deer in time to slow down. Imagine if the deer would have had impressively colorful glowing antlers like these Multicolor Light-Up Deer Antlers LumenHorns! Not only would it be safely lurking in the ditch, but you wouldn’t have to fill out any insurance forms!
Fun With The Flick Of A Switch
These Multicolor Light-Up Deer Antlers LumenHorns use a special type of Resin construction, LED Lights, Plastic with Silicone size adjuster, and are powered by two CR2032 Batteries. With a flick of a switch, the antlers change colors and cycle through greens, reds, blues, and purples. It’s the sort of thing that will get you noticed walking with the kids on Halloween night or waiting to get into a costume party at the cool new EDM club.