Mrs. Little Monster Demon Prop
A Hyper-Real Mrs. Little Monster Prop
This Mrs. Little Monster costume was designed to have a freakish, hyper-realistic look. It has stringy purple hair, skin that looks undead, or perhaps mumified by the passage of time. The yellow reptilian eyes bulge out of the sockets giving it a sinishter look. Yet it also has some touch of the modern to it. This totem monster prop is decked out with red lipstick and even has a red dress that other little troll beasts might just consider “Sexy.” It speaks of a creature that has been around for centuries, and still wants to belong in the present.
A Little Monster Prop That Looks Like A Fiendish Servant Or Familiar
This sinister-looking monster prop harkens to a lot of other mystical traditions of sorcerers, necromancers, and dark shamans who kept a fiendish servant or a familiar as their henchman or companion. One look at this Mrs. Little Monster Prop’s freakish detail makes it the perfect prop to complete one of these arcane costume concepts. Though it would still be just as in-place as a background prop in a haunted house, or as part of a cosplay background.