Mr. Bone Jangles Skeleton Teen Costume
Get Ready For The Monster Road Rally
Mr. Bone Jangles is a character who originally started out as one of Count Dracula’s friends at the Monster Road Rally animated TV show. Though the character has certainly evolved off the animated scene to become something far more special. If you’ve been wanting to turn heads and shock your friends with a truly high-end Mr. Bone Jangles costume, then this one might just be the perfect fit. This costume is available in sizes Teen, Medium, Small, and Large.
A Complete Bone Jangles Costume
Mr. Bone Jangles will shake your bones and rattle your cage, so it’s no wonder why a deluxe costume like this one is all the rage. Though this Mr. Bone Jangles takes it to the next level with a truly complete costume. It includes a full-body jumpsuit with a printed skeleton bone look, top hat and black jacket with tails. The jacket is festooned with a red fabric lining, a bold lapel, and cuffs. The hat also features a red ribbon band that matches the blood-red shade of the jacket lining.