Mermaid Mask
A Marvelous Mermaid Mask
If you take a moment to chat with an experienced cosplay or costume designer, they will tell you that you need the right props and accessories to elevate a costume to extra-ordinary believability. Of course, this suspension of disbelief is especially important with popular Mermaid costumes that border on the fantastic. That’s where a stunning mermaid mask like this one comes perfectly into play.
An Octopus’s Garden Transformed
One of the interesting things about the fascinating octopus species is that they tend to collect colorful shells and other sea debris in what many biologists call an “Octopuses Garden.” This Mermaid Mask seems to grasp a hold of this theme and reimagine what it must be like for a mermaid who wants to accessorize her outfit. It’s the perfect addition to a mermaid-themed costume for a masquerade ball or elevated costume party.