Mehron Stage Blood
Give ‘Em Blood, Blood, Gallons Of The Stuff
The undisputed holy grail of Halloween makeup products, Mehron Stage Blood is a high-quality fake blood that comes in light and dark shades of visceral red that’s sure to make anyone do a double take! This particular formula has a syrupy, opaque consistency and a glossy finish that doesn’t fully dry down, keeping the blood looking fresh until you rinse it off. The formula is easy to apply and rinse off, non toxic, and safe for oral use, so the whole family can get some gory goodness out of it before you go trick or treating!
So Bloody Simple To Use
Apply to the skin or on top of prosthetics. Mehron Stage Blood will not dry, so the blood will continue to drip. Safe for use in and around mouth. Fill blood capsules and puncture them to simulate bleeding (can be used in mouth or break them open on other body parts). Product may stain. Pre-testing is recommended. Remove with soap and water.