MEDIUM by Hugo Valenzuela
An Elevated Object Manipulation Trick For Novice Magicians & True Workers Alike
Medium is the brain child creation of one Hugo Valenzuela who pioneered this trick with a mystical amount of stage craft and storytelling. Valenzuela even goes on to say that “”Everything that is invisible to the eye is often difficult to believe. For this reason, many people still question the existence of the spirits and energies.”
This notion in and of itself opens the door for you to put your own flair on the Medium trick and weave it into your act with your own mystic angle. This might call for special lighting, smoke, or candles to set the mood just the way you want it to maximize the audience’s suspension of disbelief.
Everything You Need To Master The Medium Effect
In Hugo Valenzuela’s Medium a small object is placed on your hand, and the spectator is invited to concentrate. Suddenly the object slowly moves onto its side. If small enough it might even flips over! Medium can also be performed under a glass.
Popular objects that Valenzuela recommends for this trick includes coins small pieces of cards with words written on the, or a prediction written on paper. Depending on how it fits into your act objects can be borrowed and even signed.