Marvel Universe Daredevil Deluxe Adult Latex Mask
One Of The Original Members Of The Marvel Universe
Fans of the current Marvel Universe movies and mini-series will note that Daredevil isn’t really given any screen time. Instead he is sort of hinted at like an Easter Egg character. This is much to the chagrin of Marvel comic book lovers, who are truly passionate about New York’s more dashing superhero.
1964’s Most Daring Ace
Daredevil first appeared in Marvel comic books in 1964, and was one of the franchise’s most popular characters for years. Though it’s strange that he hasn’t had a strong showing in Marvel’s most recent on-screen successes. Still there are droves of fans every year who want to dress up as Daredevil for comic book events and cosplay parties around the world. Stepping up to answer this important need is this officially licensed Daredevil mask.