Leatherlike Viking Belt w/ Faux Fur Trim
Let’s Get Ready To Pillage!
The Vikings were a Nordic people in the late middle ages, who made the most out of the Medieval Warm Period to “Go A-Viking.” They started out ransacking and pillaging England, but soon expanded their trade and conquest throughout much of the western world and even the near east. They were known for a nomadic-looking sense of style with a lot of animal skins, fur and leather, which is beautifully replicated in this Leatherlike Viking Belt.
The Best Accessories For Raiding
If you talk to an avid cosplayer, they will tell you that the right accessories will elevate any costume to the next level. That’s especially true when it comes to cultural costumes like the Vikings. That’s where an adjustable Leatherlike Viking Belt like this one comes in handy. It looks like it is made from real animal hides, but is actually created from special polyester-based materials that look real. No actual animal products are used.