Jurassic Park Indominus Rex Adult Overhead Mask
Become The Viscous Hybrid
The Indominus Rex, or I-Rex is a genetically modified species of dinosaur, created by InGen in the Jurrasic Park movies. It is a combination of the base genome of a Tyrannosaurus with that of a Velociraptor. The bony spikes on its body and malevolent eyes make it an incredibly popular costume, which you see rendered in this high-quality mask in excruciating detail. It’s perfect for cosplay events and Jurrasic park watch parties.
A High-Quality Vinyl Version Of The Most Powerful Velocoraptor Hybrid
This mask is made from high-quality professional-grade vinyl, which allows for a stunning level of fine detail. It also makes this Indominus Rex mask very comfortable to wear. It’s a full-head mask that slips on and off easily. Every effort was made to design this I-Rex mask to be easy to see out of as well as breathe through, all without spoiling the super-cool exterior look.