Jesus Robe Adult Costume
Offering Up A New Covenant
Jesus of Nazareth is one of the most powerful figures in all of human history. The sacrifices he made to offer salvation to all mankind has been the absolute pillar of the new covenant offered by God and is also the basis for all the important wisdom we find in the New Testament. Jesus teachings and his miraculous journey have inspired hope in millions. Which is probably why they are told and retold every year in church-sponsored and community plays around the world. If your religious organization needs to portray the Son of God in all his glory for a theatrical performance, then you need not look further than this high-quality Jesus costume.
The Son Of God Clothed In Splendor
This Jesus Costume is styled to depict the Messiah as he looked after his first Baptism. It is how he would have dressed when he walked on water, when he turned loaves of bread into fish and water into wine. It’s also how he would have dressed when he passed through the Sheep Gates, flipped over the money changers table, or dined at the last supper. This comes Includes robe, under robe and belt. It is One Size(Fits Most Up To Chest Size 42-inches)