Horned Devil Mask
Straight Outta The 9th Circle
In Dante’s Divine Comedy we see Virgil guiding Dante into Hell. Throughout the events of “The Inferno” Dante gets a first hand view of what becomes of those souls who wasted their lives on greed, ego and deceit. We get a glimpse of the devil at the end, frozen in the ice of grief and misery. The ominous energy of Satan even has Dante falling behind Virgil’s back, leaving us with yet more to imagine. Fortunately, someone grabbed ahold of this horrific wonder to create a Horned Devil Mask like this one. It truly has a horrific countenance that will make the blood run cold, just like those souls trapped in the ice of Dante’s epic tale.
Devil In Red Or White
The devil is one of those mythical beings that runs through a lot of tales both biblical and arcane. While he is often depicted with red skin and black horns, the devil also shows up in some tales as a bone-white demon from a frozen pit behind the depths of the imagination. That’s probably why this Horned Devil Mask is available in both white and red versions to match whatever tale your costume needs to reflect.