Hipster Vest Tattoo Long Sleeve T-Shirt
A Very Fun Vest
There was a time when it looked like the tidal wave of Hipster subculture was going to drown us all. Though today that tide is ebbing backward to reveal shores of comedic japes and the sand of self-deprecating humor. So, someone decided to grab the Hipster fashion sense by the short and curlies to create a Hipster Vest Tattoo Long Sleeve Shirt like this one. From a distance it look like a real vest on a man with tattooed arms. Yet when you get closer, you’ll find that it’s really a long-sleeve shirt that has been printed to replicate the hipster look in dimension.
A Hipster Shirt Without Giving Up Your Day Job
Let’s face it, Hipster fashions and tattoos are not the sort of thing that are going to fly very far in most Monday through Friday office jobs. Still, it’s fun to try it on for a night out at a costume party or a cosplay event. That’s why this hipster shirt has been styled to look like the real thing, all in one conveniently printed garment. It is made largely from a polyester-blend and is available in adult sizes small, medium, large and extra-large.