Harry Potter Ravenclaw Women’s Adult Skirt
Why Go Gryffindor When Ravenclaw Is Just As Cute
Hogwarts is sorted into four distinct houses in the Harry Potter movies. While many people turn a suspicious eye toward House Slytherin and cheer with glee for House Gryffindor, they represent only half of all the great houses to choose from. House Ravenclaw with it’s blue and white pattern intermingled with classic black is just as appealing. With a skirt like this on, you are sure to turn heads at your next costume party or cosplay event.
A Comfortable House Ravenclaw Skirt
This House Ravenclaw skirt is officially licensed, which makes a strong statement about quality and craftsmanship. The costume-grade polyester it is made from can be gently hand-washed whenever it needs refreshing. It’s the perfect accessory to complete your wizarding world costume.