Grey Faux Fur Trim Cape
The Cold Is Coming!
The thing about a lot of renaissance festivals and medieval fairs is that they don’t care what the weather is like. They are often scheduled long in advance and if a quick cold spell sweeps in, they still go on. This can be a bit of a bummer for people who love to dress up for these Ye Olde Time events. If you are looking to stand out from the rest of the crowd at the next renaissance fair, but you don’t want to freeze just to do so, then you are going to love this Gray Faux Fur Trim Cape.
A Cape With Truly Faux Fur Trim
Beyond the fact that it looks like it stepped right off a Lord of the Rings or Game of Thrones production set, this Gray Faux Fur Trim Cape is functionally warm. It is also made from special polyester-blended fabrics and synthetic fur. So, while it looks like it is made from real animal leather and fur, no actual animals were harmed in it’s creation. You can show up and show out at your next renaissance festival with a clean conscience.