Gold Aviator Pin
Get Your Wings The Easy Way
The Navy, Marines and Coast Guard state that for someone to earn a pair of Gold Aviator wings they must be on flying status as a crew member in accordance with AR 600-106 or be granted a waiver by HQDA, be on flying status, have performed in-flight duties for not less than 48 flight hours (whichever comes first), or be school trained; (b) An officer on flying status as an aerial observer. I don’t know about you, but that sounds like an awful lot to go through just to look like a hot shot pilot at a Halloween costume party. So, someone was wise enough to offer up a replica Gold Aviator Pin like this.
Fly For The Fun Of It
While it might seem minor, there is a difference between silver wings and gold wings. a Gold Aviator Pin like this is only for individuals who are in the Navy, Marines or the Coast Guard. The last thing you want to do is show up trying to look like an Army pilot character with these gold wings stuck to the chest of your costume uniform.