Frontier Boy Davy Crockett Kids Costume
King Of The Wild Frontier
Davy Crocket was one of the first mountain men and showmen who transitioned from his amazing life on the wild frontier to that of a statement and political representative. He was known for being an impressive marksman, which is even more impressive considering the firearms of the day. He also wore an iconic coon skin cap. With such an impressive legacy, handed down over the course of nearly two centuries, it’s no wonder why so many kids show up and show out as the famous frontiersman in a Davy Crockett costume like this one each year.
A Davy Crockett Costume For Fun & Adventure
One of the great things about this Davy Crockett costume is that while it looks like it is made from real animal pelts and fur it is actually created from a dazzling array of polyester fabrics. This makes them look real, without having to harm a hair on a single animal’s head. It also means that this costume is easy to clean and maintain. All it takes is some gentle hand-washing after a fun romp in the backyard to get this Davy Crocket costume ready for a fun night out trick or treating on Halloween. It is available in youth sizes small, medium and large.