Exposed Bone April Arm
This Lady Is Stumped
Most human beings have a deep seated fear of losing a limb. While we all do our best to keep every square inch of our body in one piece, there are still agricultural and industrial accidents that occur ever year, where limbs are ripped or rended from the body. You see that on full display with this Exposed Bone April Arm.
A Severed Arm Ready For Your Finishing Touches
Torn, severed, rended and surgically removed body parts are common props that you find in horror movies and haunted house scenes. This Exposed Bone April Arm represents an adult female’s left arm, as if it had been torn free just below the elbow. There is a little bit of bone sticking out and a small amount of viscera at the wound site. The rest of the prop arms is clean and free for you to apply any additional effects you desire to match your vision for the scene.