Embalming Fluid Bottle Prop
Pickling Your Giblets For The Big Dirt Nap
When the human body dies different parts start to decompose in different ways and at different rates. While this is a natural thing, it also makes for a pretty disgusting scene for any family who is thinking about having an open casket. That’s where embalming fluid comes into play. By replacing the corpses blood and soft internal organs with artificial embalming fluid the body itself lasts longer and is suitable for viewing at wakes and funeral procession.
Reminders Of The Inevitable
One of the ways to really get under someone’s skin and freak them out is to remind them that their time here is fleeting. Showing them things like preserved organs and embalming fluid only further sets the tone, as they fear the day they will shuffle off this mortal coil. If you need to depict one of these scenes in a haunted house or theatrical performance, then the vintage labeling on this Embalming Fluid Bottle Prop is going to be perfect.