Devil Masquerade Mask
A Fallen Angel’s Visage
In the terms of Biblical lore, the devil or Lucifer was an angel who rejected God and was cast down. As Milton noted in Paradise Lost “It is better to reign in Hell than to serve in Heaven.” Of course, portraying such an iconic a culturally powerful figure at a costume party calls for more than painting your face red and sticking some tiny horns on your head. If you really want to stand out and make a statement, then you need a Devil Masquerade Mask like this one.
A Devil Mask In Bone Finish
If you take a close look at this Devil Masquerade Mask you will see that it has a finish that looks just like natural bone that’s been left out in the sun to let the surface crack and peel. It speaks of a forgotten and discarded soul who has grown more malevolent with rage over being unappreciated. It makes this Devil Masquerade Mask just as fitting for a costume party or masquerade ball as it is a stage performance.