Deluxe Tiny The Dinosaur Kids Costume
All Aboard The Dinosaur Train
Dinosaur Train is a beloved animated cartoon that shows kids what life might have been like in prehistoric times when dinosaurs walked the Earth. Of course, the tale it told through the eyes and experiences of dinosaur kids. One of the most popular of the troupe is Tiny who loves flowers and other colorful items, which are collected just like the collections of now-extinct Pteranodons. If you or your kid are fans of the show, then this Tiny costume might just be the perfect fit. It’s available in youth sizes medium and large.
A Fun Pteranodon Costume That’s More Than Tiny
This Tiny costume is made from high-quality polyester-based fabrics. This makes it a great option for kids who love to play make-believe Dinosaur Train adventures on Monday through Sunday, but still want to look the part of a curious, colorful Pteranodon for trick or treating on Halloween. Anytime this costume needs a little refreshing, all it takes is some gentle handwashing and line drying to let it look like new again. The face of the Tiny costume is wide open, which is what you want when looking both ways before crossing the street on Halloween night.