Deluxe Noble Knight Kids Costume
Where’s The Nearest Roundtable?
Medieval history is rife with tales of valiant knights and chivalrous warriors who served kings and saved the day against all manner of foes and nefarious beasts. Though none of those tales is more popular or famous as the tales of King Arthur and the Knights of the Roundtable. That’s probably why so many kids show up at costume parties or hit the streets on Halloween night in a Noble Knight costume like this one.
A Knightly Costume Fit For Any Kid
One of the great things about this Noble Knight costume is that it is a perfect fit for boys or girls. It truly lets the little ladies in on the fun of storming the castle and bravely saving the day. It’s made from special polyester-based fabrics, which are far more comfortable to wear than real chainmail. Yet it looks like it could be real armor. You can get it in a wide range of sizes from youth small, medium, large and even extra-large to fit any valiant youngster.