Deluxe Faceless Horror Robe Adult Costume
Death Waits Inside Us For A Doorway To Open
In Larson’s Holstein Bull, Jim Harrison once said that “Death waits inside us for a doorway to open,” which is an elegant way of expressing one of humanity’s greatest fears. This is the physical representation of death that most people recognize the iconography of death made manifest in the form of the Grim Reaper, which is what you see being so closely portrayed with this Horror Robe. Though in truth, you could just as easily repurpose this robe for Medieval fairs and Renaissance festivals where you wear it with the hood down instead of up. Great for Halloween, haunted houses and just about anywhere else where a flowing black robe perfects the part.
This Horror Robe Is Something You’ll Be Happy To Wear
Grief and sorrow, usually follow in the way of death. So it’s more than a little ironic that this Horror Robe is a true joy to wear. This is thanks to the high-end polyester it is made from. It’s the sort of fabric that is comfortable on the skin, while still flowing with your movements and maintaining its dimensionality. It’s available in adult sizes medium, large and extra-large.