Dark Fortune Teller Adult Costume
I See Sexiness In Your Future
Fortune Tellers may have started out centuries ago in gypsy lore, but they have since evolve into something far sexier. Done away with is the old crone with a hook nose and a crystal ball lurking in a small circus tent. With this Dark Fortune Teller costume on, you will reinvent your own future with a far much sexier and elegant twist.
A Fortunate Teller Costume That Flows With The Future
This Dark Fortune Teller costume screams sexy elegance with every square inch. It is made from high-quality fabrics like professional-grade polyester that make it ultra-smooth on your skin, while also helping it to flow with you as you strut onto the cosplay floor or prowl the shadows at your next costume party. It includes the Scarf, Corset, Vest, Scarf Belt And Dress. You can get this Dark Fortune Teller dress in standard adult size to fit most feminine figures.