Daisy Chain Fairy Child Costume
She Will Flutter By
What little girl doesn’t love fairies? If you ask them most will tell you that they are absolutely certain they are real and would give their prettiest penny to be one. Even if it’s just for make-believe? If this sounds like the sort of thing your little girl has been dreaming of, then you can make her dreams come true with this golden & pretty Daisy Chain Fairy costume.
A Fairy Costume For Everyday Special Occasions
Little girls live in a world of imaginative play and daydreams. Giving her a costume like this to take on the gossamer guise of a yellow Daisy Chain Fairy lets her elevate her imagination to the next level. Best of all this costume is made from commercial-grade materials that will stand up to tons of dress-up days, while still having enough pixie dust left in reserve to let her look extra special come Halloween night.