Crusader Shield & Sword Set
To God Goes The Glory
The Christian Religion is credited with providing the people of Europe with a unifying concept that was lost for centuries after the fall of Rome. Though it was during the Dark Ages in Europe when the Islamic world experienced its golden age. As European countries returned to some semblance of civilization, they strove to retake Jerusalem and the rest of the Middle Easter Holy Land in a series of Great Crusades. The knights and noblemen who went on this massive adventures were often people of means who could afford ornate armor, clothing as well as swords and shields like you see replicated with this set.
Complete Your Crusader Costume With Style
This Crusader Shield & Sword looks like the sort of thing the real crusaders would have brought with them from Europe to the Middle Eastern Holy Land. It is the perfect thing to complete your knight or crusader costume. Just bear in mind that they are meant to be used as costume props and not as real LARPing weapons. Instead think of them as a great way to stand out from the rest of the crowd at a Renaissance fair or Medieval festival.