Classic Minecraft Creeper Kids Costume
Come On And Beware The Creeper With This Costume
Millions of kids, and arguably a few too many adults love the game Minecraft. To the point that it has become an online gaming phenomenon the world over. One of the most iconic and perhaps reviled characters are the notorious Creepers. If your kid has caught onto the Minecraft craze, then chances are they will go bonkers for this Creeper costume.
An Officially Licensed Creeper Costume In Child Sizes
This officially licensed Creeper costume looks like it popped right off the screen in haunting blocks of lime and forest green. It’s perfect for someone who wants to play make-believe Minecraft games in the backyard or go as one of the notorious Creepers on Halloween. It’s made largely from a comfortable polyester, the face is relatively easy to see through and breathe out of. You can get it in youth sizes Small, Medium or Large.