Classic Grey Donkey Ears & Tail Kit
You Don’t Have To Pin This Tail On
Pin the Tail on the Donkey is one of those games we all played as children. The person is blind folded and handed a strip of cloth that looks a little bit like a donkey tail. Then they wander forward with a thumb tac hoping to land it in the right place. This Donkey Kit will remind you a lot of the original classic game, while also letting you thumb your nose at it, when you tag along with the kids trick or treating on Halloween night.
A Comfortable Donkey Kit
This Donkey kit was designed to be comfortable and easy to use. The headband has a pair of donkey ears on top and was designed to be comfortable to wear. The tail can be quickly attached or easily removed. When you aren’t wearing it, you could even repurpose it for a classic game of Pin the Tail on the Donkey.