Chromatic Dragon Wings 17″ x 13″
Chromatic Dragons Unite
While there might be a lot of differences in game style and setting between the Dungeons and Dragons worlds of Krynn, the Forgotten Realms, Ravenloft and beyond, one thing they all have in common is the presence of Chromatic Dragons. Supposedly the spawn of the evil dragon god Tiamat, the chromatics spread death and destruction everywhere they go. This is probably also why they are such a common costume concepts amongst LARPers RPGers and cosplayers.
The Right Wings To Let Your Dragon Costume Fly
If you ask an avid cosplayer they will tell you that you need to hit all the right accessories to truly take your costume to the next level. This means that an elf needs to have pointed ears, a wizard needs a magic wand, and a dragon certainly needs to have some villainous looking wings. That’s where these 17” X 13” Dragon wings come perfectly into play. They are affixed to a comfortable shoulder harness. You can get them in either Green, Black, Red, Ice Blue, Purple, or Smokey White to match your favorite type of chromatic dragon.