Breakaway Tall Clear Water Glass
A Tall Drink Of Water
In the movie The Shawshank Redemption, Red first described Andy DuFresne as a Tall Drink of Water. It’s a term that holds meaning in Hollywood to this day and is even reflected in a stage-quality prop like this Breakaway Tall Water Glass. You can set it on a table, or as a prop in a barroom scene and it will look like real glass. Actors can even drink out of it like standard drinkware and it will hold up to normal use. Yet it is still fragile enough to break with dramatic flair when the scene calls for it.
Pour A Tall One
This Breakaway Glass- Tall Water Glass measures in at 4 7/8” X 2” X 2 ¾-inches and is styled to look like a typical innocuous water glass. Though it is actually made from a special polymer mixture of plastic materials. It can also hold liquids at room temperature. When it breaks it comes apart into pieces, rather than shattering into dangerous shards like real drinking glasses are prone to do.