Bleach Disguise-A-Can Cover Decoy Wrap
What’s Your Poison?
Regular beer koozies are just so… sterile. But you know, the other kind. Whether you just want some fun drink markers, or you need to make a passive-aggressive point to someone about their long-winded drunken rants, look no further than thew Bleach Disguise-A-Can Cover Decoy Wrap! Designed to fit almost any 12 oz can, this silicone drink sleeve is a creative way to let your friends know that literal health hazards are preferable to being in their company.
A Drink Decoy For Good Clean Fun
Beersy’s Bleach Disguise-A-Can Cover Decoy Wrap is a full length silicone sleeve designed to fully cover an entire aluminum can. Be discreet while drinking your favorite canned beverage. The Beersy fits nearly all standard 12 fl oz beverage cans except COORS LIGHT & other skinny can brands. This product is not intended to deceive the law. Drink responsibly.