Black Plus Size Hooded Robe
A Hooded Robe For All Occasions
Sith Lords, the Executioner, and the Grim Reaper Are just a few of the evil characters that wear dark hooded robes like these. Something else that really stands out about them is the fact that they are made for plus-size men. It’s perfect for maximizing the spookiness of your costume, while also making for a dramatic entrance. The sickle, lightsabre or ax are entirely up to you.
Plus Size Black Robes For Cool Occasions
One of the nice things about this hooded black robe for plus-size men is that there is enough internal volume to accommodate warm clothes. This means you can put on sweat pants and a sweatshirt without spoiling the look of your costume with a run-of-the-mill jacket. It’s great for haunted houses or tagging along with the kids trick or treating on a cold Halloween night.