Black Cat Adult Costume
It’s Okay To Cross Someone’s Path
Black cats have long been associated with Halloween and the same kind of bad luck that can befall you like walking under a ladder. Some people thin this harkens back to Medieval Europe where black cats were often seen chasing the rats that spread the plague, while others believe that black cats were once revered like the divine in Ancient Egypt. So, it’s about high-time someone made it a point to show just how cute a black cat can be, which is what you get with this darling black cat costume.
A Black Cat Costume For All Occasions
All it takes is one look at this Black Cat Costume to know that every square inch of it was designed to make you look cute. It’s also roomy inside to let you wear additional layers, should the outside temperature demand it. This costume is made from high-quality fabrics, like polyester that is easy to clean and maintain for years of comfortable wearing.