Ben Nye Trauma Simulation Wheel FX Creme Makeup
No, Not The Kind Your Therapist Made You Do
The Trauma Simulation Wheel features three shades of Ben Nye’s FX Creme colors that can be used to quickly create injury and abrasion simulations for special effects and character makeup. Utilize these intensely pigmented shades on their own, or mix together to create unique blends of tones that enhance realism. This wheel fits comfortably in any makeup kit, and has a clear lid for easy visual accessibility. This wheel is an essential tool for any special effects, film & television, or theatrical makeup artist. Test colors on an inconspicuous area of the skin first, as harmless staining may occur due to the high concentration of cosmetic pigments.
Simulate Serious Injuries Like The Pros
Apply Trauma Simulation Wheel colors with a stipple sponge or Ben Nye Stipple Texture Brushes for limitless options for blending and mottling. Use a spatula and mixing palette to create customized blends of colors before application. For fresh injuries, use Fire Red to simulate irritation, or fresh trauma on the skin. To age blood or a wound, detail with Dark Burgundy. Provide depth and intensity by layering Blue with Fire Red and Dark Burgundy. FX Creme colors apply comfortably to clean skin and can be applied on top of foundations as well. 28gm./1oz.