Baby Shark Plush Toddler Costume
Baby Shark Version 1.0
Before it was some strange pop culture phenomenon, Baby Shark was a beloved children’s song that had children giggling with glee. It’s a great thing for connecting parents and children in beloved early memories. So, why not take it to the next level with a cute costume like this Shark costume for infants and toddlers. It’s perfect for a lot of occasions, including on-theme family photos as well as trick or treating for the first time on Halloween night.
Take A Bite Out Of This Costume
Let’s face it, this Shark costume is every bit as cute as the Baby Shark song. It is also the perfect thing for taking your little one out on Halloween. It was designed to be easy to change into or out of. The head was designed to be a warm hood, while also leaving the face fully open to let your little one see everything. The hands are also open, which is perfect for letting them grab a hold of candy or wave bye-bye.