Anthony Miller’s Himber Star Wallet
A No-Palm Wallet For Super Sleight Of Hand
Sleight of hand is one of those skills that you can spend a lifetime mastering. There are so many techniques and so little time in a single human life to master them all. Of course, every skeptic with two eyes and a nose stuck in the air thinks they can spot you hiding something up your sleeve. For times like this, you can turn to this switch star wallet by Anthony Miller. When small items are stashed in it, the wallet leaves no discernable lines on your costume.
A Pocket Wallet That Fits Just About Anywhere
This pocket wallet is just the right size to slide into most magician’s hip, vest, or back pockets. The wallet is made to hide the lines of small contents, which makes it a great place to stash items or make a quick swap with practiced sleight of hand. Best of all, it truly looks like a real pocket wallet that will stand up to the scrutiny of a skeptical spectator’s inspection. If your act has a lot of wallet stashes, swaps and drops you need to add this to your prop arsenal.