7 Piece Artificial Black Rose Bouquet
From Tarot To The Death Card
The concept of the Black Rose comes from the concept came from the tarot card’s death card. The black rose can be used as a symbol of death or grieving. While there is a white rose on the death card, which represents new beginnings after death most people focus on the tragic aspects of the black rose. Which is probably why you see it showing up in so many costumes on TV, in the movies or on stage.
A Deadly Bouquet For The Lapel
Whether you need a black rose bouquet for a character’s lapel, a plague doctor’s nosegay or as an accessory for an undead being, this is sure to fit the bill. Unlike real black roses, that are dipped or dyed black, this bouquet is made from synthetic materials that look real, yet won’t rot, which means you can use it over and over again. It’s great for cosplay events, costume parties or as part of your theater group’s prop department.