18″ Silk
An 18 Inch Silk That Is Perfect For Covers & Floats
There are a lot of tricks that call for a cover larger than simple a single hand. Yet you also don’t want a silk that is too large that it’s cumbersome. In a situation like this an 18-inch silk can be the perfect fit for a variety of tricks and gimmicks.
It’s big enough to handle most tricks that call for a float to distract, a cover for a large object that you intend to vanish or transmute. Yet it’s still compact enough to crush down in your hand, fold for a pocket square, or even tie onto your waist as a drape in your costume.
An 18 Inch Silk Available In 8 Brilliant Colors
Since it is so versatile, this 18 inch silk is available in 8 vibrant colors. This lets you pick just the right shade to accent your costume, or contrast the room for the perfect misdirection. You can choose from either emerald, green, lemon, purple, red turquoise, white, or golden yellow.