Playboy Tavern Girl Adult Costume
Raise A Pint And Then Some
The classic tavern girl has evolved out of the early days of Oktober fest to become something a little more sultry than just a Bavarian maiden carrying a tray of drinks. If this sounds like the sort of thing you are interested in for your next costume party, then this Playboy Tavern Girl costume might just be the perfect fit. It looks every bit like a Bavarian waitress with some minor alterations that turn the sexiness meter all the way up to 11.
A Tavern Girl Costume That Will Do More Than Turn Heads
This Playboy Tavern Girl costume is made from high-quality polyester that gives it a sexy shimmer you will surely appreciate. It also makes is soft on the skin, which is what you want in a costume you plan to wear for hours and hours on Halloween night. It is available in lady’s sizes extra-small, small, medium and large.