Hooves Shoe Covers
Foot Covers That Look Like Real Hooves
There are a lot of costume concepts that replicate the appearance of cloven hooves. Pan, centaurs, hybsil and other sylvan monsters of myth all have their own distinctive look that can just as easily be ruined by a pair of shoes sticking out at the ends of your feet. Rather than try to spray paint a pair of Doc Martens to look like cloven hooves, you can just turn to these foot covers offered by Ghoulish Productions.
Cloven Hoof Shoe Covers Made From Quality Latex
Ghoulish productions is a costume, mask and prop master manufacturers with experienced artists who known how to transform high-quality latex into truly realistic costume components. You see this showing up in their major offers as well as simple latex shoe covers like these latex hooves. They will replicate most cloven hooves, without ruining your costume’s essential look.