Classic Instant Nerd Accessory Kit
Nerds! Nerds!!!!
The 1980s movies Revenge of the Nerds and Revenge of the Nerds 2 took the idea of academically mobile and socially awkward individuals to shine a light on their cool side. To the point, that one of the primary antagonists of the first movie Ogre actually signs on with the Nerds later on in the life of the franchise. To this day, there are still people who wish to don the guise of a nerd for costume parties and cons and cosplay events, using an Instant Nerd Kit just like this one.
A Nerd Kit That’s Easy To Deploy
The truth is a lot of the classic Nerd costume is pretty easy to source on your own. In fact, the shirt and pants can be a fun creative concept for you to play with. Though there are a few other components of the classic “Nerd” outfit that can be a little harder to come by. That’s where this Instant Nerd Kit comes perfectly into play. It comes with glasses with a bandage, goofy teeth, bow tie, and pocket protector.