Alcardmy By Mike Liu & Vortex Magic
A Morphing Signed Card Illusion That Boggles The Eyes & Mind
Alcardmy is an astonishing illusion that looks very much like some type of movie studio Special FX, yet you can do it live without any awkward retakes. It is a 3 phase routine that has a standard-looking playing card morphing into a signed playing card.
Alcardmy comes straight from the mind of master illusionist and card magician Mike Liu who intimately shares his highly visual morph of a playing card into a signed playing card. He’s performed Alcardmy under rigorous testing conditions in a wide range of applications. Including street performances, walk-ups and even close-up corporate gigs. To the point that Alcardmy has become one of Liu’s signature gimmicks. It is so astonishing that it even leaves accomplished magicians scratching their head wondering how he did it.
A Closer Look At The Signed Card Morph Of Alcardmy
The Alcardmy morph takes place right in front of the spectators who see the card actually smudge and transform into the card they signed just a moment earlier. This morph routine was engineered to transform a selected card with a red back and signed on the face. It is then lost in the deck.
With dramatic flair, you then show the face card of the deck which astonishingly starts to smudge as you wave your hand and it suddenly becomes the signed card, which your participant then turns over to now discover that the card has a blue back!